Ayiiia Elizarraras
Ayiiia who was the winner of realworldcasting.com was able to get her place on the competition thanks to her faithful friends who worked with her. Ayiiia is of Mexican heritage and is bilingual in Spanish however this is her first trip to Mexico for a prolonged period. It's evident that she's not one to hold back. At times, it is by displaying aggression that can make her enemies. It turns out that living in the Real World's household is much more complicated than she anticipated. Ayiiia is a reformed party girl with a history of substance abuse and cutting. Ayiiia could be loyal and nonjudgmental to those she cherishes, but don't get caught in her trap. Ayiia will never stop holding grudges. Ayiiia entered a serious affair with a woman. The couple was living together in San Diego where she was with her mum and searching for a new location to live before the reunion. At the time of the reunion, it was discovered that she and Jonna did not get along due to conflicts they experienced with each other during the filming.
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